Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Lib Dem attacks brings a new low to Politics in "Is Jackson laziest MP in London"

In a recent front-page article "Is Jackson laziest MP in London?" published in the local press and carried on Lib Dem H&K media publicity. The Lib Dem PPC for Hampstead and Kilburn has lowered the level of politics to a new low in the new constituency of H & K in an un-provoked spat of mud slinging towards his Labour opposition and setting Glenda Jackson MP for Hampstead and Highgate.

Without going into the rights or wrongs of Glenda Jackson MP record with Hansard. I was dismayed to read the venomous personal attacks in the local press by the Hampstead and Kilburn Liberal Democrats Parliamentary candidate. Clearly this illustrates the desperation and frustration he's party is experiencing in this key marginal seat.

If he was to concentrate instead on sound policies and engaging with the real needs of the electorate as demonstrated by the Conservative Parliamentary candidate Cllr Chris Philp with his successful campaign to save the local Hampstead Police station and ongoing campaign to save the critical admissions "stroke unit" at the Hampstead Royal Free Hospital from closure, which the Lib Dems have voted to support closure at a recent Camden Council meeting.

But this is no real surprise as the Lib Dems distort and manipulate information when it suits them at every turn in politics. They fight with statistics, because that is the easiest of all methods to make distortions of reality; hence they’re playing with the Hansard statistics, which proves a particular point they wish to make.

Lets hope that the race to win the new seat of Hampstead and Kilburn does not resort to more venomous mud slinging contests at this low level by the Lib Dem PPC as exhibited in the local press last week.

Author: Nigel Rumble