This is the blog of Nigel Rumble. A highly respected local Campaigner living and working in the Belsize and Primrose Hill NW3 area, Camden. Who passionately cares about helping and engaging communities on the “Big Issues” that really matter.
Friday, 11 December 2009
Airplot, Greenpeace and the Conservatives in Belsize
It is not often that mainstream political and environmentalist groups can work together but on the 31st October our Belsize "street stall" event become host to a unique signing event.
The extract below is a re-post of Jenna Lane's Blog at Greenpeace on 8th Nov diary
"Airplot - Glenda was never going to sign up so we contacted Chris Philp Con PPC instead"
Chris Philp becomes beneficial airplot owner and signs up to the campaign
"Last Saturday morning things were finer than we could have hoped for. Laura, Rex and I sacrificed a lie-in and rocked up at Belsize Village to catch Chris Philp who was out and about.
Rex delivered a purposeful intro to the Airplot campaign, we handed over 100 petitions from local constituents and Chris promptly agreed on 2 counts; he signed up as a beneficial owner to Airplot and signed the petition. We exchanged glances - Fastest signature we've ever got! I wish street campaigning was that easy!! Chris' balancing skills were quite impressive - clipboard missing in action.
Chris also agreed to attend the tree planting in Camden. Our cox tree will be twinned with one at the actual airplot site - I hope the land is softer now than it was when I was last there!
What a great team effort. "
This clearly demonstrates that the Conservatives both at a national and local level are switched on to the importance of the environment and the need to be critical of schemes like the "third runway" at Heathrow.
I hope that especially here in Belsize we can join forces again on other local conservation schemes, which plays an important part in Belsize life.
Author: Nigel Rumble
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Lib Dem attacks brings a new low to Politics in "Is Jackson laziest MP in London"
Without going into the rights or wrongs of Glenda Jackson MP record with Hansard. I was dismayed to read the venomous personal attacks in the local press by the Hampstead and Kilburn Liberal Democrats Parliamentary candidate. Clearly this illustrates the desperation and frustration he's party is experiencing in this key marginal seat.
If he was to concentrate instead on sound policies and engaging with the real needs of the electorate as demonstrated by the Conservative Parliamentary candidate Cllr Chris Philp with his successful campaign to save the local Hampstead Police station and ongoing campaign to save the critical admissions "stroke unit" at the Hampstead Royal Free Hospital from closure, which the Lib Dems have voted to support closure at a recent Camden Council meeting.
But this is no real surprise as the Lib Dems distort and manipulate information when it suits them at every turn in politics. They fight with statistics, because that is the easiest of all methods to make distortions of reality; hence they’re playing with the Hansard statistics, which proves a particular point they wish to make.
Lets hope that the race to win the new seat of Hampstead and Kilburn does not resort to more venomous mud slinging contests at this low level by the Lib Dem PPC as exhibited in the local press last week.
Author: Nigel Rumble
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Friday, 6 November 2009
Gordon Brown and the “Blairism” War of Ideology
"We will succeed or fail together and we will succeed," Mr Brown said
He also said that whilst military action creates a "suppressive effect on al-Qaeda", "we cannot, must not and will not walk away".
Mr Brown added: "We will not be deterred, dissuaded or diverted from taking whatever measures are necessary to protect our security... “
"We will not give up this strategy of mentoring [Afghan local forces], because it is what distinguishes a liberating army from an army of occupation."
Mr Brown tried to justify during the speech that the Afghan army should be increased from its current size of 80,000 troops to more than 130,000 by the end of 2010.
Fighting words indeed from Mr Brown. With a sense that he is trying to actually suggest that Afghanistan is the only source of Terror that the World faces today and that this country together with the border regions of Pakistan is solely responsible for all terror outbreaks is perhaps stretching a point too far.
He went on to say, "It is the opposition's job to ask tough questions when British soldiers are being killed at this appalling rate. It is right to question the strategy. It is failing at an accelerating rate."
However, just like Mr Blair before him appears to be using the continuing military operation partly as a vehicle to embolden his ability to be seen to govern this country. This sadly comes from a “in all sense of the phrase” very bankrupt Government on the verge of collapse and imploding without having the collective “common sense” to know what the “key” UK priorities are.
Mr Brown as did Mr Blair before him talk of defeating al-Qaeda without really knowing what al-Qaeda is or represents. This probably is one of the greatest “collective misunderstandings” of the 21st century. I suspect based on a belief that this is like other wars of the past. The so-called “War on Terror” as voiced by George W. Bush will no doubt when looked back upon in the cold and unforgiving light of history, will shock and appal future generations of commentators and educators.
Most wars of the past have been waged against a sovereign or failed state, an “enemy” that was contained within a region. Mr Brown and no doubt the US thinking would now have us believe that Afghanistan and al-Qaeda is being treated in that way.
This may be true if the perceived “enemy” actually existed within the borders of both Afghanistan and Pakistan, certainly this region is a stronghold for terror training camps, this is not at question here, but it is the assertion that Mr Blair and now Mr Brown keeps making that this alone represents the “ultimate” threat to World peace and our National Security and that it must be fought at all costs until the so called enemy al-Qaeda is defeated.
It is a widely held view amongst most defence and security experts that al-Qaeda is a mishmash of an ideology that exits and self propagates, through word of mouth and mostly now because of the Internet and freely resides in the minds of people all round the globe that wish to embrace this ideology to wage Terror.
This is precisely “why” the group of 19 mostly Saudi US based suicide hijackers decided to fly planes into the World Trade Centre on 9/11 and 4 British suicide bombers decided to bomb London’s transport system on 7/7.
This was based on “raw” ideology; you may read above that I do not make any reference to race or religion. Many commentators have incorrectly linked certain religions as propagating “evil” this is a mistake and creates a stigmatisation to certain religious groups, which can and does breed and help recruit more people to embrace this mishmash ideology known as al-Qaeda.
No doubt we will learn of the tragedy on 5/11/09 at Fort Hood in Texas, US that the renegade Major psychiatrist was acting alone (hence not a conspiracy) and was not influenced by al-Qaeda. However, if this incident had taken place in Afghanistan as a similar incident had indeed a week ago involving an Afghan renegade policeman killing 5 British soldiers it would be directly linked to al-Qaeda infiltration. It is all about perception and no doubt fuelled by the media.
Actually, the al-Qaeda was born in Afghanistan out of the Russian occupation 1979 during the height of the Cold War. The United States responded by aiding, supporting and training the Mujahideen.
It is well known and documented that the CIA indirectly supported the Taliban (and in part helped in the formation of al-Qaeda), providing military support to the Taliban, in the early 1980s, the CIA together with ISI (Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency) provided arms to Afghans fighting the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
It is estimated that between 600,000 and 2 million Afghans citizens were killed during the Russian lead occupation and more than 5 million Afghans citizens fled to Pakistan.
One could argue therefore, that “the current problems” and indeed al-Qaeda and its ideology was in part created by the intervention of the Super Powers.
Therefore, if the perceived enemy is actually an ideology, which is virtually now always referred to in the west as al-Qaeda, then it is hardly surprising that just like the ancient Hydra from Greek mythology with nine heads that grow back two heads if one head is cut off, it is an un-winnable war. Fighting a mythical Hydra would actually be easier as it can be seen for what it is.
So when Mr Brown said today in discussing the continuing military action in Afghanistan that if it has a "suppressive effect on al-Qaeda", perhaps he is actually being honest up to a point. Since he’s statement “suppressive effect” acknowledges and implies just that as in a palliative treatment to serious medical conditions. Help but not a cure.
However, we must accept that our British forces are for the right or wrong reason deployed to Afghanistan and give the brave soldiers that put their lives on the line every second of every day whilst on duty all the support that we can. They are the innocent pawns in this cat and mouse game of War politics and we must remember their bravery this Remembrance Sunday. It must be hard to fight a war on any terms but especially so when the enemy is one of Ideology that exists mostly in the mind.
I believe that we must look to a swift end of all military operations and allow Afghanistan to control its own destiny through its own governance, in other words it is time to withdraw tactically and gracefully.
The United Kingdom is in the deepest recession in history and its economy is dire, we are the only remaining G8 to be in negative GDP, it is now time to concentrate on National issues that affect the lives of each one of us here back home whether Coventry, Manchester or London. Great Britain can no longer afford to be the Police Force of the world especially for a phoney War based more on Blairism and arrogance than substance.
Author: Nigel Rumble
Photo copyrite: MOD
Monday, 2 November 2009
Climate Change and what I am doing to help
All of us have a CO2 footprint; I give my Belsize home as an example. I have the usual "utility" machines, "multi-media" systems, computer systems and gadgets found in most homes.
I have now signed up to the 2012 Carbon Challenge as part of the 2020 schemes being offered by utility companies.
As part of this Carbon Challenge I have committed to reduce my energy consumption by 20% annually. I estimate that I have already reduced this even further over the past years with the following advice that I make available to you here.
Many years ago aware of the dire problems that we will face with unchecked “Global Warming” I made a conscious effort to reduce my total home energy consumption, by "smart" shopping, that is buying electrical "utility units" for example washing machines that conform to the highest standards of efficiency and have the lowest energy and water consumption available. Insuring that any "multi-media" equipment has a "smart" standby which means that no units consumes more than 3 to 5 watts in standby, most units burn 10 to 15 watts.
Changing ALL the lighting bulbs to be energy efficient, for example the front room ceiling lighting pendants have 5 candle bulbs, which used to consume 5x60 watts = 300W (to put this another way that is nearly 1/3 of KW).
I have now changed these to a special candle bulb replacement using only 11W so in total it uses 55W and offers nearly same light levels and saving 245W.
Every room has a high efficiency low energy bulbs the largest that I would use would be 23W and that would service an entire room! I avoid use of multiple lamps that although looking great consume vast amount of energy.
The last idea is the “smartest” and cost NOTHING to implement, I was considering to patient the idea but instead share it with you all! When you leave any room for an extended period, switch the multi-media systems to standby and turn off the lights. You will be amazed how much energy you will reduce by doing this. Fact. My young Daughter DOES this NOW and she reminds me if I should forget!
We need to teach all the future generations that this is the way forward to reduce waste wherever possible.
Through these efficiencies savings I estimate that I have reduced around 20 to 30% of the total energy home electrical consumption.
Now I except that to do all the steps that I have outlined will cost money in the short run, smart machines are not cheap, but are cheaper to run long term.
Just as this approach is helping to reduce the CO2 footprint of my Belsize home by around 20 - 30% it is also saving me money over the annual electricity costs. I estimate that the "smart" utility machines have paid back in only 2 to 3 years of use and are in profit now that is profit in my pocket and profit to the Planet.
The NASA Scientist Dr James Hansen was reported in The Associated Press Jun. 24, 2008 in this article;
“WASHINGTON — Exactly 20 years after warning America about global warming, a top NASA scientist said the situation has gotten so bad that the world's only hope is drastic action.
James Hansen told Congress on Monday that the world has long passed the "dangerous level" for greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and needs to get back to 1988 levels. He said Earth's atmosphere can only stay this loaded with man-made carbon dioxide for a couple more decades without changes such as mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.
"We're toast if we don't get on a very different path," Hansen, director of the Goddard Institute of Space Sciences who is sometimes called the godfather of global warming science, told The Associated Press. "This is the last chance."
Hansen brought global warming home to the public in June 1988 during a Washington heat wave, telling a Senate hearing that global warming was already here. To mark the anniversary, he testified before the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming where he was called a prophet, and addressed a luncheon at the National Press Club where he was called a hero by former Sen. Tim Wirth, D-Colo., who headed the 1988 hearing.
To cut emissions, Hansen said coal-fired power plants that don't capture carbon dioxide emissions shouldn't be used in the United States after 2025, and should be eliminated in the rest of the world by 2030. That carbon capture technology is still being developed and not yet cost efficient for power plants.
Burning fossil fuels like coal is the chief cause of man-made greenhouse gases. Hansen said the Earth's atmosphere has got to get back to a level of 350 parts of carbon dioxide per million. Last month, it was 10 percent higher: 386.7 parts per million.”
Remember that this article I have selected is already out of date last month was 18 months ago and CO2 has already exceeded the 386.7 parts per million.
As a closing comment from me in my leafy Belsize location, I say this, we ALL can make a difference, whilst the scientist talk and may at times disagree with various intellectual arguments and nuance, the fact remains that with the continuing population explosion and “super rapid” economic growth of China and the world demand for more and more production that energy consumption is set to increase and the cost of energy also will continue to increase.
Perhaps in the final analysis it will come down to the simple fact of can we afford NOT to reduce now.
So remember to Switch off that light!
Author: Nigel Rumble
Friday, 23 October 2009
The BIG Question about BBC's "Question Time"
Whilst some may argue that hearing how BNP leader Nick Griffin conducted himself on the show may think that it was a good thing, no doubt MEP Nick Griffen will continue his line that he had faced a "lynch mob" on prime time TV.
What is clear to me is that NOT one single question was asked about the dire state of the UK economy and recession that the current Government has brought us virtually to our knees and how the opposition parties would attempt recovery when it is highly expected that the Conservatives under the leadership of David Cameron will have to face this problem in office next year.
There was no question either of why the UK continues today in the longest recession in history but yet France and Germany have successfully moved out of recession!
What particularly concerns me is that here in Camden alone 1300 people voted for the BNP in the European Elections 2009, that was about 2.76% of the vote. Yet again this important question of “why” does a seemingly non-raciest electorate decide to vote BNP on matters of Europe. It is clear that to most commentators these votes are mostly a protest vote against the Government and “MP Expenses”. But to think that is perhaps missing the point that nationally and here locally in Camden we do have a lot of people that now feel totally disconnected from main steam politics to verge off to a far right Neo-Nazi party.
The questions that the BBC flagship "Question Time" as presented by David Dimbleby put should have been more balanced in its range of questions rather than creating the much talked about, super high ratings, platform for a BNP "Nick Griffen" special.
However, it was only through the audience apparent unscripted participation that we actually got to see the real side of Nick Griffen and how the BNP publicity machine works. Sadly, the BBC hijacked itself to be part of that machine!
Author: Nigel Rumble
UK economy still in recession
Figures from the Office for National Statistics showed a provisional 0.4 per cent contraction in gross domestic product, defying analysts' hopes the UK economy could have returned to growth.
Shadow chancellor George Osborne said the figures were proof Gordon Brown's eoconomic policy had failed.
"This is deeply disappointing news," he said. "Britain is now in the deepest and longest recession in its modern history. Britain's economy is still shrinking a full six months after France and Germany started growing.
"We now know that Gordon Brown's recession plan has not worked, and this news has destroyed Labour's claim that Britain was better placed than other countries to weather the storms."
Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman Vince Cable said: "For all the hopes of a quick recovery, these figures make it clear we are still in the longest and what could yet become the deepest recession on record.
"For all that has been thrown at the economy to try and stimulate a recovery it is clear that massive structural problems remain, particularly in the banking sector."
TUC general secretary Brendan Barber said: "This is now the longest recession in modern economic history. Even the co-ordinated world-wide stimulus has not been able to halt the damage done by the financial crash."
The negative figure shows an improvement of negative growth of 0.6 per cent in the second quarter of 2009.
Britain entered recession in the second quarter of 2008.
By 23, Oct 2009 11:30
New Search Tool
Friday, 25 September 2009
Consultation on Belsize, Hampstead and Swiss Cottage conservation areas
NEW Important information about Consultation on Belsize, Hampstead and Swiss Cottage conservation areas is now availible. I provide the key links below:
What is an Article 4(1) Direction?
What is special about the Belsize Conservation Area?
Saturday, 19 September 2009
The case of the missing “MeLoveSushi” scooters in Belsize!
Having chaired the recent Belsize SNT Police panel public meeting of 16 Sep’09. A rather surprising fact emerged that the small chain of “MeLoveSushi” restaurants has had rather a lot of delivery scooters stolen by joy riders and being dumped in and around the Belsize area, causing considerable concern for local public safety in the Belsize area.
What is particularly concerning is that the restaurant appears not to be taking either the problem or the security of these vehicles seriously.
It was of the opinion of all those who attended the "SNT Public" meeting that there is a "duty of care" by all business such as “MeLoveSushi” towards the local community to secure and make safe their delivery vehicles. Incidentally the driving and parking of these vehicles in what is a public "walk way" at Swiss Cottage Market is rather suspect too.
Therefore, I like to remind the chain that corporate responsibility means exactly that, having a "duty of care" towards the local community and minimising Health and Safety risks to the public caused by operational delivery vehicles.
Author: Nigel Rumble
Thursday, 6 August 2009
The Metropolitan Police Authority has withdrawn its closure plans for nearly all London boroughs.
Through the tireless efforts and support of local residents and leading campaigner and Parliamentary candidate Cllr Chris Philp for Hampstead and Kilburn. It is great to report that all the hard work that Chris and the local team of Conservatives have helped to bring about this victory.
It is now hoped that the Police station will be developed again to form a cornerstone part of the local community here in Hampstead and Belsize. This is a very welcome item of news in this month of August.
Author: Nigel Rumble
Monday, 27 July 2009
The women who clear Sudan's minefields
Instead, the pregnant mother heads an all-female team of de-miners, removing dangerous explosives from former battlefields.
"I never thought I would be doing this," says Ms Besta, welcoming her six-woman team back from the danger zone they are clearing.
"But it shows those people who think that women can't do jobs like this that they are wrong."
The team's members say they work better as an all-women team - supporting each other against often critical comments that de-mining is work only for a man.
"We live and work away from home all as one team, so it is good we are all women together," she says.
Sudan's north-south war - fought over ideology, religion, ethnicity and oil - ended more than four years ago.
Some two million people died in the war, and its bitter legacy of landmines and unexploded ordnance continues to kill and wound.
Please read the full story here
By Peter Martell
BBC News, Bungu
Friday, 10 July 2009
Advisory to all residents in high rise properties like Chalcots
Sir Ken’s Terms of Reference for his report include the fire safety matters applicable to this building and operational procedures and practices undertaken by London Fire Brigade at this incident.
Until this work is complete I would appreciate your authority offering some reassurance to tenants.
There are practical measures that you could take such as reminding tenants how to protect themselves from fire, this includes having a working smoke alarm and regularly testing it. If tenants are concerned they can contact their local FRA and the Fire Kills website has plenty of up to date fire safety information.
Primary School "Working Group" UPDATE 8th July '09
A new school site has been located in the Gospel Oak area. Reported by Richard Lewin "that the Council is proposing to lease and adopt an existing school classrooms in Courthope Road, NW3 for a 2 year period. The building can provide places for a maximum of 90 children and meets the required standards for school classrooms".
During this "Working Group" meeting all these proposals were discussed, although some concern was indicated at this provision possibility, the general feeling was of positive progress.
It was noted that a more hopeful air was present with these developments.
Some discussions were made on subject of policy and process in the admissions criteria. The waiting list has reduced somewhat but there are still a large number of parents with children totally "unplaced".
I am to provide a more thorough update later next week, but I thought I blog this wonderful news, which should give a lot of hope now for parents in the Belsize, Swiss Cottage and Hampstead areas.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Primary School "Working Group" UPDATE 23rd June'09
So the question is what has so far been achieved. Active discussions are still in progress with two schools for use of available site space for temporary classrooms, this would provide a potential of around 60 additional school places. But negotiations are still not complete. It was reported that a further number of schools have expressed a pototential longer term interest of expansion, most likely for the September 2010 intake.
There was a very emotional debate of the policies surrounding admissions criteria of what it is to be considered "unplaced", especially a request to allow "unplaced" status to be applied to Belsize and Swiss Cottage children early rather than wait until the over 5 and into the first academic term rule.
All parents actively discussed option C, which is the provision of a "new" school that could be "fast tracked" for example in an already available location site or facility. I asked Richard Lewin if his department can explore this high priority to enable a possible September 2009 real help, he has given his assurance that this will be so. But I have always stated and believe strongly that the focus must stay on Option A to create expansion to available schools as this is the only viable short-term approach with any hope of making the September 2009 intake requirements facing parents.
Dr Liz Taylor presented a "black hole" map of Camden, which I found to be very useful at seeing the graphic of the problem. She presented a heartfelt appeal for the officers to find a solution, whilst Cllr Alexis Rowell continued his "attacks" on the officers Richard Lewin, Ann Baxter and Louise Trewavas. For the record Rowell has repeated at every "working group" that nothing is being done, and asks "what's the point of coming to these meeting?" and fails to acknowledge other parents or myself reminding him at every fortnightly meeting that these meetings are in fact a "Working Group" and therefore, is not only a "reporting" but a "joint working task force" meeting.
It was observed during the meeting that a rift is now growing between the hard line ECO Champion of Camden and other meeting participants, parents as a collective are now taking the lead together with spokesperson Dr Liz Taylor.
The next “Working Group” meeting will take place Tuesday 7th July 2009 at 7pm at same venue TBC.
Author: Nigel Rumble
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Primary School "Working Group" UPDATE 10th June'09
The meeting was facilitated by Louise Trewavas, Communications & Consultation Manager, Finance and Schools Support, Children Schools and Families (CSF) and Chaired by Sarah Bourne, Head of Property and Contracts at Camden Council. Cllr Andrew Mennear reported progress as Richard Lewin was unavailable due to health reasons.
Louise Trewavas reported that the number of unplaced children has decreased from the 133 to 127 (latest figures from Louise as of 12th June indicates that the figure has fallen now to 107).
Cllr Andrew Mennear reported that CSF were "in talks" with five schools in North / North West Camden about the possibility of having temporary "portacabin" classrooms to be installed ready for September. Currently, it is believed that all of these "five" schools are community schools. The names of the schools will be confidential until negotiations have been completed.
The Council estimate that 2-3 temporary classrooms of 30 children will be needed. The purchase order for the "portacabins" classrooms needs to be placed within the next 2 weeks, even though the sites may not been confirmed. The Council intends to feedback further progress and the names of schools electing to take part in the "portacabin" scheme when the "Working Group" meets again on 23rd June at Swiss Cottage Community Centre at 7pm, TBC. But it must be emphasized that only the governing body (the School Governors) of the local schools can make that decision.
The overall feeling by all present with a notable exception from Cllr Alexis Rowell was that some welcome progress had been made.
Author: Nigel Rumble
Sunday, 7 June 2009
The Chalcots "Where Are We"
So here is a timely update. After many high level meetings with Camden who still has yet to officially report back on all of the concerns raised by representatives of residents through the Housing and Adult Social Care Scrutiny and Hampstead DMC. Through the Operational Forum meeting, which meets monthly with representatives from all sides, it was stated by the PFIC CEO that on the question of “mould” that samples would be taken from THREE flats only and then for the rest of the 717 properties it would be up to the residents to report any re-occurring “mould” for a “TWELVE” month period.
This is in my opinion a disgrace, as I have stated in my previous blogs on “mould” and the problem of the “windows”, I feel that residents deserve better treatment.
I will continue to campaign for this better treatment and to receive acknowledgement that a serious problem exists.
I have received further news that I cannot yet blog about which is as vital and carries a significant H&S risk if unchecked. However, the implications of this particular matter which for legal reasons I cannot go into fully here presents a picture of a Camden Housing department which I have already stated for its failure to deliver "value for money", let alone quality of provision and adding to this an inability to monitor the capital works in the “regeneration” projects on matters of vital H&S standards. As soon as I am legally free to discuss these matters I will inform here in my blog fully the details. Rest assured however, that I will continue to actively campaign to get to the “truth” on these serious matters involving H&S standards.
Author: Nigel Rumble
Primary School admissions "The Week Ahead"
We in Belsize must not forget the plight of the 133 or so children in Camden without a Primary school offer for the September 2009 or January 2010 intake and still on the waiting list for one of the preference schools, with many parents on waiting list in the high 30 or 40th or even higher position on the list! Many parents are refusing to accept alternatives being offered because of the travel distance to the alternatives. So the problem continues unabated.
Further update it is expected that more detailed information on the number of children that still require places will be made available week commencing 8th June.
It would appear that many schools have not received all the information back from the school admissions team yet. This may mean that the 133 may go up or down, lets hope down.
As soon as I get any new information I will post it here.
Reminder -- The next The Primary Admissions Working Group meeting will be Wednesday 10th June at 7pm at venue Swiss Cottage Community Centre, 19 Winchester Road, London. NW3 3NR. (This will be confirmed by Camden officially, I state it hear only as a guide).
Saturday, 30 May 2009
In memory of Mr Tom Waters who died last week
Tom was a stalwart of the Housing Development team, he was well known for his sense of wry humour and getting involved in the sharp end of dealing with the very "real" problems that residents on the Chalcots Estate and many other estates across Camden faced. He provided his mobile number to all without question or hesitation and would personally try to sort out problems.
Whether that may have been Lifts out of service on bank holidays, security concerns or any one of a hundred or more potential problems that residents may have faced with "major capital works"
I had become to know Tom very well during the past years and had frequent chats with him; I will miss his views and unique perspective on the building industry. He was a very knowledgeable person with lots of wisdom to offer people.
Tom will be much missed by a very many people.
Friday, 29 May 2009
Primary School admissions UPDATE
It would appear that many schools have not received all the information back from the school admissions team yet. This may mean that the 133 may go up or down, lets hope down.
As soon as I get any new information I will post it here.
Reminder -- The next The Primary Admissions Working Group meeting will be Wednesday 10th June at 7pm at venue Swiss Cottage Community Centre, 19 Winchester Road, London. NW3 3NR.
Friday, 22 May 2009
Primary Admissions Working Group UPDATE
It would be inappropriate to "blog" the discussions of this meeting even before the official minute is produced and circulated to the group. This is just to say that as a active member of this "working group" that this important meeting has now taken place and that the process has started.
I hope together with other members of the "group" that we will bring about the required change to provide short-term solutions to the 133 children currently without placement and in the mid-term for the September 2010 admissions. The longer-term objective of developing a "new" primary school in the Belsize and Swiss Cottage area remains the "ultimate" aim. I certainly will focus my efforts in the order of priorities for short, mid and long-term.
The "working group" will meet again on Wednesday 10th June at 7pm, venue TBC, but I together with others have suggested that it should alternate with the Swiss Cottage Community Centre and the Hampstead Town Hall Centre so as to be seen to cover both the Hampstead and Swiss Cottage borders of Belsize.
Author: Nigel Rumble 22nd May 2009
Friday, 15 May 2009
UPDATE for the Public Meeting on Local Primary School Provision 14th May 2009
Camden officers have together with Cllr Andrew Mennear, Executive of Schools agreed to explore the short-term options of additional temporary classrooms on the spare grounds of Fitzjohn's as suggested by Cllr Chris Philp and other local schools having sufficient grounds to accommodate extra temporary classrooms.
I managed to get some of my ideas heard, the first of using "Portacabins" style classrooms which can be assembled during the summer as a fast track "pragmatic" approach to meeting the immediate needs of the 133. The second of using parts of the large "green" spaces of the Chalcots in Belsize to build a “new” primary school. Naturally, any such scheme would require the active cooperation and consultation of all residents on the estate. This would be a more long-term solution, since consultation, planning permissions are time consuming processes.
The other very significant agreement to come out of the public meeting was that a “Working Group” would be set up to allow volunteer parents wishing to actively engage in working together with senior Camden officers to find and develop a short, mid and long term solutions at a regular “focus” group meeting to be set-up shortly.
As a parent myself amongst the 133. I know first hand how incredibly frustrating this problem is, being 31st in the waiting list for one of our preference schools!
Clearly, emotions were running high at the public meeting, for example, the one question I heard time and time again from the floor was “what are you ‘Camden’ going to do about this problem?” but everyone managed to stay well mannered and focused on the key issues.
Camden has stated that a summary of all questions asked will be circulated shortly to all attendees of this key meeting.
Author: Nigel Rumble 15th May 2009
Something to cheer all my readers and followers up
BBC News: German motorway strewn with notes
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Public Meeting on Local Primary School Provision 14th May 2009
The purpose of this vitally important meeting is to discuss ways forward in the provision of primary schools in the area, notably Belsize ward does not currently have an LEA Community school, neighbouring Swiss Cottage having only one, which is a voluntary aided CE school.
From what I have been able to find out there would appear to be around 133 "Camden" parents who have not so far been able to obtain a School offer. The waiting list for nearby schools is increasing daily; waiting lists within 2km from Belsize are around 30 and up.
I have been told by Camden School Admissions that the situation this year is very concerning and appears to be worse than previous years.
In discussions and research that I have done both as a community activist and parent I can say that the deep "credit crunch" recession and worsening economy has had a marked effect. Many of the middle to higher income families that in the past would have selected private or independent schools are now electing to apply for a Community or Voluntary Aided schools. This unplanned "shift" adding to the local placement problem.
Author: Nigel Rumble 12th May 2009
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Break or Make News for many Belsize parents this week
"Reception Coordination September 2009/January 2010.
I am sorry that we were unable to offer a place for childs name at any of the preferred schools listed on your application form."
Parents are being offered only shorter waiting lists for schools miles away from Belsize at Brecknock in N1, Carlton in NW5, Netley in NW1 and so on.
This is a real problem affecting more and more parents in the inner London region and most specifically here in Belsize, which like many other wards in the local area such as Swiss Cottage, does not have a LEA Primary School.
A new school is badly needed here in Belsize as I have campaigned already in the past and blogged before in November 2008. A new school for Belsize was a "key" feature of the Belsize By-election from both the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. Lets hope that the campaign will become a plan and progress swiftly so that a "new" school in Belsize will be built here soon in the future.
As a School Governor and a parent I understand only too well how difficult a time this is for parents on middle to lower income with no option to send your children to a private school especially here in Belsize where a large number of independent schools are ideally located, but with annual fees of around £12,000 it simply is out of reach of many parents.
Stop Press.. 7th May
Contacted the Camden School Admissions team to discuss this developing trauma for parents. They admit the situation is difficult and that this year the worst on record with the need for primary school access far overstretching demand. It would appear that yet again Belsize is very badly hit with parents requesting places in faith school doing better, especially if application to local school had received a letter from a priest of the local parish.
It would appear that parents are so keen to get a place for their children that apparent spontaneous religious conversions are taking place.
Author: Nigel Rumble
Monday, 27 April 2009
"The Chalcots estate super-saver makeover" Says the Times Newspaper!
I have just stumbled on this incredible story in Times Online, so as to be even handed I present the piece whole (everything in quotes is by the Times Author Kasia Maciejowska).
This piece reads almost like a glossy advertisement by United House as a PR exercise.
"Picture the upheaval involved in refurbishing one kitchen. Then multiply this by 439 and add in bathrooms, central heating, floors and windows that must also be modernised, everything being carried out to a strict budget. In this cost-conscious process, the price of a kitchen can be no more than about £3,000, a fraction of the typical six-figure outlay in a deluxe project such as the Rigby & Rigby house in Eccleston Street, Belgravia."
The Chalcots has 717 properties and even if you subtract the 110 leaseholder properties this gives 607 properties so where does Kasia Maciejowska get 439 from and what happened to the fifth tower block?
"You will then have some idea of the vast and challenging task undertaken every day by United House , the construction group that specialises in the regeneration of tower blocks and other council and social housing."
"You should also bear in mind that one prime objective of the work is the improvement of the energy efficiency of the homes - these have often not been modernised since the 1960s. Note too that only a few elderly or particularly vulnerable tenants will be moved into temporary accommodation for the period of the makeover, which can last for months. The rest remain in their homes and have a say in the proceedings: they are entitled to choose which colour schemes and finishes they prefer, for example. You may then be even more amazed at the good-natured enthusiasm of United House's staff. My impression from a day spent on site at the overhaul of the Chalcots estate in Swiss Cottage, North London, is that these workers always put the tenant first."
This is another incredible PR statement; there has been more complaints from residents in this project than any other comparable PFI project in recent years. The complaints run into the many hundreds, Estate blocks Tenant Representatives are busy chasing all the issues. Yes there have been some successful outcomes for some residents, but a substantial number have outstanding problems, which United House have yet to resolve.
"The £66 million Chalcots project involves recladding four 1960s tower blocks, each 22 storeys high, using weatherproof insulating aluminium and installing new bathrooms, kitchens, heating systems, windows and flooring and completely redecorating 439 out of the 660 flats. The work began in May 2006 and United House is on schedule to complete the project, part of the Government's Decent Homes programme for the improvement of social and housing assocation homes, by January 2010."
Here again we have complete story fabrication, the Chalcots comprises four tower blocks of same design and another of entirely different design. The buildings were completed during the period 1967 - 1968. The true cost of this PFI makeover "contract" is £150 million not £66 million as the Times article makes out. Also the project is not completing to "decent homes" standards but an entirely different protocol. In most cases much of the internals of the properties remain unchanged and undecorated from there 1968 appearance! Furthermore, on three buildings the "new" cladding system is de-laminating after only weeks of being erected by the PFIC. One building has so far been completely re-cladded and another two buildings are awaiting the same re-cladding exercise that will take two months each causing misery for residents.
"Given that the majority of United House's projects are ultimately publicly funded, financial efficiency is paramount. “There's no room for the bad weather excuses that are common in construction,” says Colin Dixon, United House's managing director. The company aims to complete the work on four flats every week (each flat takes 12 days to revamp)."
Complete rubbish, some flats have taken nearly two months to complete, some flats still have not been completed after one year of work.
"So how does United House meet its deadline and cost targets? To provide vast numbers of new kitchens and bathrooms with minimal errors and in a short space of time, it has a warehouse where the items required by each home - some bought in, others manufactured by the company itself - are packed together into individual units for each home. This enables the workmen to assemble the parts swiftly, minimising disruption to the tenants."
Many residents have had to have work re-scheduled multiple times because of unavailability of parts, making there internal disruption extend out to 6 or 8 weeks of work.
"It is a refurbishment production line that has been honed to near-perfection over the 44 years since United House began providing heating for council homes as Harp Heating."
The business of making money. It may be said has been honed out to perfection!
"Tower blocks are relatively easy to refurbish because the flats follow a regular pattern and the buildings are recent. However, in the 1960s, there was little concern for insulation. As a result of the refurbishment, the gas bill of one resident went down by £46 in the most recent quarter."
It is on record at official meetings, which I have attended virtually every one that these flats are a nightmare to work on as there was no thought given during there construction to a infrastructure re-fit. For the first one year of this PFI project hundreds of flats were converted into a virtual submarine by having visible 6 copper pipes for the central heating systems exposed all round the properties. After much protest this has been tidied up to a degree.
On the matter of improved insulation that it is reported by Times Author Kasia Maciejowska one resident's GAS bill is down £46 in the most recent quarter. This is complete hogwash since all residents in the "four" blocks pay for gas as a bulk gas supply from the Council and therefore pay a fixed "unmetered" charge. Only Blashford the "fifth" block that Kasia Maciejowska omitted previously have metered GAS. Yet again a tottaly misleading piece of information being reported!
In point of fact heating costs will be increased substantially by Camden over the next couple of years!
"Doing up period homes in Islington, which house many of the borough's council tenants, is considerably less predictable. United House has revamped 2,350 Victorian homes in Islington so far; each property has to be individually surveyed and its exterior preserved in an appropriate style."
Once again this is far from the truth, PFI Islington known as PFI 1 was beset with even worse problems than the Chalcots. The project reached such a low point that the entire PFI team of managers had to be replaced.
"Some local authorities employ United House directly and others fund the refurbishments through Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs). With PFIs, a bank or private lender funds the project and the Treasury repays the bank as the work is completed. Local authorities bid for PFI funding from the Treasury and companies, such as United House, then bid to the local authorities for contracts."
This at least is an entirely correct statement.
"Winning the contracts for these schemes is a slow process - it took three years to negotiate the Chalcots and the Islington contracts, but these were two of the initial six pilot schemes set up in 2003."
"While many developers struggle through the downturn, United House continues to grow. And as demand for social housing soars, it looks well placed to continue."
I have no reason to doubt that this is true, but at a high cost (stress) to the residents often getting sub-standard works with considerable disruption brought about by poor planning and management.
"Fact Box
Tenants can pick from five colour schemes; men like advice, women know what shades they want
The kitchens are designed around tenants' own appliances
The makeover process is democratic. At Chalcots, tenants voted for the large sitting room windows to be retained to keep the great views"
The author clearly says it all here.
I have felt it vital to set the record straight having read this piece written by the "Times", clearly its journalistic standard has dropped to a new low point. I will be more than happy to publish a reply from the Times editor, should it be sent to me here.
Written and edited by Nigel Rumble 27th April 2009
Friday, 17 April 2009
DNA pioneer concerned about national database
Professor Jeffries told the Guardian,
“I have significant concerns there [about the size of the database]. That database is currently populated by an unknown number of entirely innocent people. It is not possible to get an accurate number but it appears to be hundreds of thousands.
“My view is very clear that if you have been convicted of a crime then you owe it to society to be retained on that database for catching in the future should you reoffend. But the retention of entirely innocent people is a whole different issue. There is a sort of presumption here that if they haven’t committed any crime now, then they will in the future.”
Chris Huhne, Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary said,
“It demonstrates how out of touch the Government is with public opinion when the inventor of genetic fingerprinting has to tell them how unfair the DNA database is.
“It is unacceptable for the state to store the DNA of innocent people. The European Court agrees, Professor Jeffreys agrees and the public agrees. The Government must bring forward concrete proposals to remove the DNA of those that have done nothing wrong.
“Professor Jeffreys is also right to point out that the DNA database is not the flawless crime-fighting tool ministers would have us believe.”
Please help the campaign to protect innocent people’s DNA by signing this petition at:
Produced by Home Office Watch Friday, April 17th, 2009
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
MPs quiz Home Office on abuses
The Home Office says that newly introduced counter-terrorism laws are not designed to prevent photographs being taken in public places, despite widespread concerns - and much evidence - that legislation is being misused to do just that.
The statement was made to Parliament during a wide-ranging debate on public photography rights after Conservative MP John Randall of Uxbridge submitted a question to the Home Secretary on Wednesday 01 April.
Randall took the initiative after becoming aware of the many recent incidents in which police have stopped photographers shooting in the public arena. He cited the example of a 70-year-old photographer who was handed a notice after taking a picture of a house in his neighbourhood in Windsor. The photo included a police car parked on a double yellow line with two police community support officers (PSCOs) inside.
Randall also added that police officers have been, in some cases, abusing the stop-and-search powers they received with Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000. 'I am acutely aware of the potential for terrorism,' he said. 'We have to look out for such things, but common sense seems to have escaped police officers - or, very often, PCSOs - in some of the cases mentioned.'
Speaking to BJP, Randall said that he thinks the situation is 'absolutely crazy. It seems to be coming from some overzealous police officers'.
Answering Randall's comments, the parliamentary under-secretary of state for the home department, Shahid Malik, said that 'our counter-terrorism laws are not designed or intended to stop people taking photographs. That is simply not their aim. People have the right to take photographs in public places for legitimate reasons and we will uphold that right'.
He added: 'I accept that there are concerns about how some of our laws are being, or might be, applied. Concerns have been expressed about the stop-and-search powers used under section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000. As honorary members will know, section 44 enables the police to stop and search anyone within an authorised area for the purposes of searching for articles of a kind that could be used in connection with terrorism. The powers do not require a reasonable suspicion that such articles exist.'
Malik explained that these powers are useful, but they are 'also wide-ranging, and concerns have been expressed that the power is being used to stop people taking photographs - whether of buildings or of people - within authorised areas. There are also concerns that cameras are being confiscated as part of such searches. Those are genuine concerns that people have raised,' he said. 'I would like to make it clear that section 44 does not prohibit the taking of photographs.'
The parliamentary under-secretary of state for the home department added that it would be issuing guidance to 'ensure that the laws are implemented correctly and that people's liberties are not being infringed upon unnecessarily'.
The government also addressed the issue of the new offence in section 58A of the Terrorism Act 2000, which was inserted by section 76 of the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008. The new set of rules, which BJP exposed earlier this year, targets anyone who 'elicits or attempts to elicit information about (members of armed forces), which is of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism'. A person found guilty of this offence could be liable to imprisonment for up to 10 years, and to a fine.
However, Malik told MPs that while 'it has been suggested that the new offence could criminalise people taking or publishing photographs of police officers,' the law is in fact designed 'to capture terrorist activity directed at members of the protected groups, which, sadly, we know occurs. An offence might be committed, therefore, if someone provides a person with information about the names, addresses or details of car registration numbers of persons in the protected groups.
'The important thing is that the photographs would have to be of a kind likely to provide practical assistance to terrorists, and the person taking or providing the photograph would have to have no reasonable excuse, such as responsible journalism, for taking it.'
He added: 'I want to be clear about this: the offence does not capture an innocent tourist taking a photograph of a police officer, or a journalist photographing police officers as part of his or her job. It does not criminalise the normal taking of photographs of the police.'
However, speaking to BJP, Randall says that even if the government 'says that it's not what it meant with these laws, the fact is that's what is happening on the streets. I'm afraid that this could be used to intimidate people. In some cases, photographers have been forced to delete pictures.'
Randall also says he fears that legitimate press photographers could be bullied to delete picture of violent police actions during protests. '(Section 44) could be used as an excuse to try to hide such acts.'
BJP will continue to monitor the situation as part of its on-going campaign to protect photographers' rights.
Source Marina Scukina/BJP 8th April 2009
We were wrong, says the Met
The Metropolitan Police is apologising to press photographers covering last week's G20 protests after BJP questioned why they had been prevented from covering a key incident during clashes outside the Bank of England.
According to photographers contacted by BJP, police ordered them to move away from the action, citing Section 14 of the Public Order Act 1986, as they prepared a charge on demonstrators using police dogs.
The incident occurred while police were looking to move and arrest demonstrators last Thursday (02 April), and is thought to be the first time Section 14 has been used to corral journalists.
Section 14 gives police the power to impose conditions on assemblies 'to prevent serious public disorder, serious criminal damage or serious disruption to the life of the community'. Under the act, the police can impose the location and duration of a public assembly, as well as the number of people taking part in it.
It is not, however, designed to prevent photographers reporting on events.
'There was a whole group of journalists by Bank tube station at one point,' photographer (and chairman of the British Press Photographers' Association) Jeff Moore tells BJP. 'Officers were using police dogs on one side to snatch and arrest people on the other side. The police walked up to us and asked us to move away or we would be arrested under Section 14 of the Public Order Act. When we protested the decision, we were given the number of a press officer who only sympathised with us and said it was a police matter,' says Moore. 'Once the operation was over, they put us in a lovely spot, but it was too late and too far away.'
As we reported on our website ( last week, the move was officially protested the following day by the National Union of Journalists and the British Press Photographers' Association, who also condemned authorities for preventing journalists from leaving the Bank area after police formed a cordon around the demonstration for several hours.
After BJP put these complaints to the Met, a spokeswoman admitted Section 14 was wrongly applied. 'It was used to get people to leave an area,' she told BJP. 'It should not have been used specifically against photographers, and they should have been able to stay (in the immediate area) after showing their press cards. The Metropolitan Police apologises if that was not the case.'
The apology comes after both the NUJ and BPPA praised police communication with journalists on the day, but cited a number of incidents about which they remain concerned.
'We're unhappy that photographers were pinned in with the demonstrators during the Bank protests,' says NUJ freelance organiser John Toner. 'It appeared that if photographers wanted to leave the area, they first had to agree to be photographed. We find this unacceptable,' he says.
The Met spokeswoman told BJP that up to 6000 demonstrators, 200 were intent on causing trouble, so police officers were charged with obtaining the best evidence of the worst offences, leading them to take photos of anyone leaving the area, even press photographers'.
The NUJ hopes to discuss these matters with police during an official debrief in a few weeks time. 'Overall, the police were helpful,' says Toner, 'but there were these very serious and unacceptable problems and we intend to take these up.'
There were also unconfirmed reports of officers using the Terrorism Act 2000 to force protestors at the 'Climate Camp' demonstration in Bishopsgate to delete their images of police officers.
Source: BJP 8th April 2009
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
G20 and Protests in the City on a sunny April Fool's Day
This must not be allowed to happen again, all G20 member countries must agree to actively participate in a multi-lateral policy of financial control measures. Already, we have “fighting” talk from France and now Germany wishing to put a more unilateral line into Europe. This would create a destabilisation effect to the G20 accords.
There must be a cohesive and affective adaptation of monetary policies by all G20 members’ countries.
In terms of the other melt downs taking place not just in the banking system but on our own Planet, such as the polar ice melts taking place at increasing speed. Climate change is happening fast, we have at best less than 10 years to check global warming and CO2 emissions, this represents not only a potential disaster in store for all generations to come on a scale unknown before. The current World “Financial Credit" problems will pale into insignificance by any comparison.
Written by: Nigel Rumble 1st April 2009
Thursday, 26 March 2009
U.K. MEP Daniel Hannan: Transcript of His Attack on Gordon Brown
I don't normally delve into the politics of the European Parliament, but this video of Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan stripping the bark off British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is worth noting. ("The devalued prime minister of a devalued government.") Many American politicians might be hearing the same criticisms next year if the U.S. economy is still depressed even as the national debt soars. Here is a transcript:
Prime Minister, I see you’ve already mastered the essential craft of the European politician, namely the ability to say one thing in this chamber and a very different thing to your home electorate. You’ve spoken here about free trade, and amen to that. Who would have guessed, listening to you just now, that you were the author of the phrase ‘British jobs for British workers’ and that you have subsidised, where you have not nationalised outright, swathes of our economy, including the car industry and many of the banks? Perhaps you would have more moral authority in this house if your actions matched your words? Perhaps you would have more legitimacy in the councils of the world if the United Kingdom were not going into this recession in the worst condition of any G20 country?
The truth, Prime Minister, is that you have run out of our money. The country as a whole is now in negative equity. Every British child is born owing around £20,000. Servicing the interest on that debt is going to cost more than educating the child. Now, once again today you try to spread the blame around; you spoke about an international recession, international crisis. Well, it is true that we are all sailing together into the squalls. But not every vessel in the convoy is in the same dilapidated condition. Other ships used the good years to caulk their hulls and clear their rigging; in other words – to pay off debt. But you used the good years to raise borrowing yet further. As a consequence, under your captaincy, our hull is pressed deep into the water line under the accumulated weight of your debt We are now running a deficit that touches 10% of GDP, an almost unbelievable figure. More than Pakistan, more than Hungary; countries where the IMF have already been called in. Now, it’s not that you’re not apologising; like everyone else I have long accepted that you’re pathologically incapable of accepting responsibility for these things. It’s that you’re carrying on, wilfully worsening our situation, wantonly spending what little we have left. Last year - in the last twelve months – a hundred thousand private sector jobs have been lost and yet you created thirty thousand public sector jobs.
Prime Minister, you cannot carry on for ever squeezing the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecedented engorgement of the unproductive bit. You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt. And when you repeat, in that wooden and perfunctory way, that our situation is better than others, that we’re ‘well-placed to weather the storm’, I have to tell you that you sound like a Brezhnev-era apparatchik giving the party line. You know, and we know, and you know that we know that it’s nonsense! Everyone knows that Britain is worse off than any other country as we go into these hard times. The IMF has said so; the European Commission has said so; the markets have said so – which is why our currency has devalued by thirty percent. And soon the voters too will get their chance to say so. They can see what the markets have already seen: that you are the devalued Prime Minister of a devalued government.
By James Pethokoukis 25 March 2009
‘We’re anglers not terrorists’
The three men were taken into Loddon Valley Police Station late on Friday, March 7, and two were held overnight, DNA tested, fingerprinted and then released without charge.
The third man was released almost immediately following the 10.30pm incident.
Former Lib Dem councillor Tom McCann said: “When I was in the Thatchers at the weekend and they came in and told me what had happened to them, I couldn’t believe it.“These were all local men who knew some of the police officers involved. They were fishing on a Friday night. It doesn’t seem possible to me that the police really thought they were terrorists.”
Reading East prospective Parliamentary candidate for the Lib Dems Cllr Gareth Epps said: “Liberal Democrats repeatedly warned that the thousands of new criminal offences created under this Labour Government were dangerous and mostly useless.
“Now we have the surreal spectacle of local fishermen being thrown into the cells using anti-terrorism legislation. Local people are owed an explanation and those arrested an apology, as I understand some of them want to take this further, understandably.”
Police spokesman Adam Fisher said: “Three men were arrested in Woodley on March 7 on suspicion of endangering an aircraft and were later released without charge.
"Over the past year there have been several incidents in the Thames Valley area where civil aviation pilots have reported being dazzled by ground-based lasers shining into their cockpit.
“Obviously this is an issue that we have to take very seriously as it is a matter of public safety.”
A police spokesman clarified later that the men were arrested under the Air Navigation Order 2005 - not terror laws.
For full story
Click here for link to LibertyBy Linda Fort March 24, 2009
Parliament berates police over treatment of press
The Parliament's Joint Select Committee on Human Rights has officially criticised the police for the 'unacceptable' way photojournalists are treated while covering protests.
Over the past few weeks, the Committee has been looking at how police handled the media covering recent protests and demonstrations.
The report, released this week, says that it 'is unacceptable that individual journalists are left with no option but to take court action against officers who unlawfully interfere with their work. Journalists have the right to carry out their lawful business and report the way in which demonstrations are handled by the police without state interference, unless such interference is necessary and proportionate, and journalists need to be confident that they can carry out their role'.
It continues: 'The public in turn have the right to impart and receive information: the media are the eyes and ears of the public, helping to ensure that the police are accountable to the people they serve.
'Effective training of front line police officers on the role of journalists in protests is vital. Police forces should consider how to ensure their officers follow the media guidelines which have been agreed between ACPO and the NUJ, and take steps to deal with officers who do not follow them.'
Source BJP 25th March2009
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Police arrest man for 'not' taking photos of sewer-grates and retain his DNA
Channel M (for Manchester) has the story of a man who was arrested for allegedly taking part in terrorism reconnaissance by taking pictures of sewer-grates in Manchester. The problem? The man was not taking pictures. He didn't even have a camera, and there were no pictures of sewer-grates on his phone... Watch the report here.
Liberty stated in press release 4th Dec 2008 "Retaining DNA samples of innocents breaches human rights"
The DNA profiles of roughly 850,000 innocent people should be taken off the National DNA Database (NDNAD) following a European Court of Human Rights judgment today said Liberty. Two Britons whose DNA was retained by police brought the legal challenge, claiming that their inclusion on the NDNAD continued to cast suspicion on them after they had been cleared of any wrong-doing.
Liberty welcomed the decision, which will require the UK Government to reconsider its policies under which the DNA of innocent individuals (those who have not been charged or cautioned) is permanently retained by police.
Last month the Home Office revealed that 2,324,879 recorded criminals (40 percent) in England and Wales did not actually have a DNA sample held on the NDNAD. At the same time, the Home Office reported that 857,366 innocent individuals’ profiles are currently held on the NDNAD. [1]
Liberty’s Director Shami Chakrabarti said:
“This is one of the most strongly worded judgments that Liberty has ever seen from the Court of Human Rights. That Court has used human rights principles and common sense to deliver the privacy protection of innocent people that the British Government has shamefully failed to deliver.”
The Home Office is expected to hold a consultation about the retention of DNA following today’s judgment. The judgment would not have affected the outcome of any of the recent, high profile, convictions where DNA evidence has been a significant factor.
Liberty’s Legal Officer Anna Fairclough said:
"Forty percent of Britain's criminals are not on this database, but hundreds of thousands of innocent people are. Sweeping up the innocent with the guilty does not help fight crime. The Court of Human Rights has protected the privacy of British people so poorly let down by our own government."
Key passages of Grand Chamber Judgment of S and Marper v the United Kingdom include:
● The Court was struck by the blanket and indiscriminate nature of the power of retention in England and Wales. In particular, the data in question could be retained irrespective of the nature or gravity of the offence with which the individual was originally suspected or of the age of the suspected offender; the retention was not time-limited; and there existed only limited possibilities for an acquitted individual to have the data removed from the nationwide database or to have the materials destroyed.
● The Court expressed a particular concern at the risk of stigmitisation, stemming from the fact that persons in the position of the applicants, who had not been convicted of any offence and were entitled to the presumption of innocence, were treated in the same way as convicted persons. It was true that the retention of the applicants’ private data could not be equated with the voicing of suspicions. Nonetheless, their perception that they were not being treated as innocent was heightened by the fact that their data were retained indefinitely in the same way as the data of convicted persons, while the data of those who had never been suspected of an offence were required to be destroyed.
● It observed that the protection afforded by Article 8 of the Convention would be unacceptably weakened if the use of modern scientific techniques in the criminal justice system were allowed at any cost and without carefully balancing the potential benefits of the extensive use of such techniques against important private life interests. Any State claiming a pioneer role in the development of new technologies bore special responsibility for striking the right balance in this regard.
●In the Court’s view, the capacity of DNA profiles to provide a means of identifying genetic relationships between individuals was in itself sufficient to conclude that their retention interfered with the right to the private life of those individuals. The possibility created by DNA profiles for drawing inferences about ethnic origin made their retention all the more sensitive and susceptible of affecting the right to private life. The Court concluded that the retention of both cellular samples and DNA profiles amounted to an interference with the applicants’ right to respect for their private lives, within the meaning of Article 8.1 of the Convention.
Click here for link to Liberty
Source BJP 4th March 2009 and Liberty 4th Dec 2008
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
The Orwell Prize 2009: Blog Prize
I am very proud to have entered and for my submissions to be successfully accepted for The Orwell Prize 2009: Blog Prize.
The next milestone for me will be the Longlist Announcement - Wednesday 25th February 2009.
Actually, if I get that far I will be very pleased especially as the standard of entries of my peers is very high.
The shortlist will be announced on Wednesday 25th March 2009.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Primrose Hill and Belsize February 2009!
For my daughter this was the first time to experience snow, she loved every moment of it.
As for myself, I remember only too well the last occasion in London 18 years ago when I found myself snowed in my Baker Street office.
I seem to recall then that it was apparently the wrong kind of snow as far as British Rail was concerned! Now in 2009 it was the wrong kind of quantity! It makes me very proud of our British traditions to blame the weather! I don't ever remember being without public transport of some kind or the other whilst on holiday in the Ski resort of Gstad or Zermat in Switzerland. The Swiss do what comes natural and that is to plan for the snow and anticipate the ice, but then they have had rather more practice at it every year for whole seasons long.
What a pity that as global warming is taking its hold not only is the polar ice caps melting at an alarming rate, but also the winter paradise of the Alps is facing increased ice melts and industrial pollution from cars and industry not in Switzerland itself but from the heavily polluted atmosphere that deliver contaminates which are concentrated in the ice and snow. This is not a very well known or publicised fact in Switzerland but there is a team that sets out every year from the University of Bern to investigate the worsening pollution. But it acts as a strong reminder that CO2 global warming is touching all wildernesses and not just the capital cities.
Author: Nigel Rumble 17 February 2009
Friday, 13 February 2009
Power without responsibility
As the Home Office has quite correctly stated, there are no restrictions on photographing in public spaces, and the government - as far as we're aware - has no plans to introduce any. But it has failed to address concerns that despite new guidelines designed to ease tensions, many rank-and-file officers seem unaware or are blatantly disregarding them. Simply put, if guidelines aren't enforced, they're not worth the paper they're written on.
Which is why I'm particularly concerned about section 76 of the new Counter-Terrorism Act, which criminalises taking pictures of police officers 'likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism'. The wording is little different to the 2000 Act, (in fact, it's equally vague), except that police officers are specifically mentioned. And that's an important detail because the issue we're fighting is not so much erroneous legislation (although many see the Act within wider concerns about the erosion of our liberties) as the misuse of power. The amendments in the 2008 Act provide further ammunition for officers who, for reasons of their own volition, are effectively criminalising street photography ad-hoc. "
See my last blog where I discussed Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000 and read Liberty for more facts if you wish to join the debate and campaign for more sensible measures of police stop and search powers relating to photography.
Simon Bainbridge, Editor BJP 11/02/09
Sunday, 8 February 2009
A big welcome to Cllr Syed Hoque
Meeting Cllr Syed Hoque today at a reception, to welcome him on the brave decision to resign from the Labour party and join the Camden Liberal Democrats. It was engaging to talk to Syed about 'the real issues' that faces the country.
For full details on the move by Cllr Syed Hoque